Day 2/ 16.7.17 (#ComedyOfErrors)
"Lets go with the DJ!!!!!" I shouted. And I woke up. Aaaaaarghhhhhh!!!! It was such a good dream. Me. My DJ System. Party. Dance. All gone (#SOB-SOB). I checked my phone (just for clarification, its not fake, it's of a company called iSungSoft):
OK, its 11:30 am.......Good Night (yawn)! WHATTTTTT!!!!! I got a DJ call!!! Yass! Wait a sec, did I tell you'll that I even do basic DJ? It's my ultimate goal to become an A+ scorer (In academics) DJ. I have two DJ systems (Both Virtual), one in my phone and second in a pen drive so that I can carry it to anyone's PC.
And this is my iSungSoft version. Nice, right? But now I have to hurry. I'll just pack my phone and pen drive. I gotta hurry............
TT-RR-II-NN-GG goes Duke's bell. He opened the door with a wide smile (again making sure his teeth are shown) , which fades away with the words, "I'm glad you could make it." It seems that he is already regretting calling me. Who knows why? Leave it, this is the very first DJ assignment I've ever got.
While setting up my system (His laptop is more useful for small bits of glass, so I use my iSungSoft chrome book, OpSon speaker system complimentary), I noticed that everyone in the party was looking at me and then it struck me!
Dukes Laptop |
This is me..... After the party I had no mood to even ask for my payment in those Ben 10 pajamas. That was the only time I saw the birthday boy, MJ (Mr. Joker I call him) Mel Jamie, smile.
My only satisfaction was when the others held their noses and complimented me on my DJ-ing. NICE!!!! I'm happy about that at least.
So now I will go home and have a good bath and change my clothes and then.....I dunno....
(P.S. Or else I will get kicked out of this place)
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