Day 3/ (#FRIDAY)

It's Friday (Yasss!!!) and my alarm rings at  5:40 a.m. (Ya the iSungSoft alarm).

I as usual got up and, unlike that party, had my bath and brushed. I finished all morning formalities so lets just zoom to school..............

So as I enter I see the regular sight of Mr. White (#WeWantChange), but wait-why am I alone in class? Something is wrong, I'm thinking, as I walk to my seat. But when I get there.........

 Oh no!!!!!!!! I can't believe they mass-bunked without telling me!!!! Now what to do????? Sit alone in class and sulk (#Sob-Sob). It was like the longest detention I've got.....

This is what is the current condition in my class. Yes, I did tell Mr. White and our principal, Mr. Green (This seems to be a quite racist school) that my friends messaged that they got food poisoning at one friend's party which I didn't attend because I was out for a holiday, but I'm not sure that they were convinced.....
After an hour, Mr. White started pitying on me and, with princi's permission, allowed me to use my phone. Thank God!!!!! So I started my phone and opened Instagram.

Ohhhhkkkkk!!!! So they're partying, that also without ME!!!!! They would have had an awesome DJ here!!!! But it's too late now, pity for them. Then I checked my DM's:

I see, that joker b'day boy told those people about that day's accident (If you'll don't know about it visit: The Accident)......Oh no......
Just a sec, sir is calling me
Yasssss!!!!! Princi has allowed me to go home early!!!!!!!!!! Thank Goodness!!!! So now I'll head home while you'll enjoy. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......


Mike's Popular Days

Day 5/ #AWhirlpoolOfJokes)

Teenage Diaries #1

Day 2/ 16.7.17 (#ComedyOfErrors)

$$$ I'm RICH $$$

The Tour de School